Lewis Cooper Lewis Cooper

How an organised desk increases productivity

When we have a hard time concentrating while working or studying, we'll often look at the way that we work, or the schedule we're following or the tools that we're using. But, one significant yet overlooked aspect is our working environment. As Jordan Peterson says in his book 12 Rules for Life: "Set your house in order before you criticise the world". We can extrapolate this to the importance of an organised desk: Don’t expect an increase in productivity if you’re working in an environment that doesn’t promote productive working.

According to research by the Journal of Neuroscience, a messy environment can compete for your attention and can lead to lower focus, an increase in stress and even anxiety. Put simply, working in a clear, uncluttered environment has the potential for serious returns in productive output. But, what are some of the ways to achieve a clean workspace that doesn't pile up with mess in a week?

📄 Start with a clean sheet

Starting from scratch is often the best and most effective way to begin clearing a cluttered space. When faced with a messy desk, it's significantly easier - and less overwhelming - to completely clear everything off your desk and then assess the importance of each item later, rather than painstakingly going through every single item one by one. So, begin by removing everything from the top of your desk. This includes all books, pens, pencils, and even larger items like your computer and monitor should you have one.

Once you've successfully removed all the clutter from your desk, you'll find it much simpler to visualise how you want your desk to look and where you want things to be placed. A clear desk provides a blank canvas, allowing you to efficiently organise your workspace in a manner that suits your needs and work habits best.

Having done this, seize the opportunity to give your desk a thorough cleaning. Use a surface cleaner to eliminate dust, stains, or any other mess that has accumulated on the desk. Make sure to pay attention to corners and crevices often missed during regular cleanings. By the time you're done, your desk should look as good as new and be ready to be used efficiently once again. Giving your workspace a fresh start not only ensures a clean and organised environment but can also enhance your productivity and work satisfaction.

🧺 Remove any unnecessary clutter

Begin by meticulously examining each item that currently occupies a space on your desk, critically evaluating their purpose and frequency of use. Unless these items serve a clear, regular, and vital function that contributes to your daily productivity, consider removing them from your immediate workspace.

This process may involve storing them in an organised manner in a different location, or if they are no longer needed or functional, discarding them entirely. This simple act of paring down can significantly enhance the efficiency and cleanliness of your workspace, making it a more conducive environment for work.

Commonly used items such as pens, pencils, and notepads are typically useful and may justify their presence on your desk. However, it's worth questioning whether you truly require an excess of these items accessible at all times. For instance, do you really need an abundance of more than 10 pens or 5 notepads cluttering your desk, or could some of these items be neatly stored away until needed?

Consider also other items such as hole punches, staplers, or calculators, which may not be used consistently enough to warrant a permanent place on your desk. These could also be stored away, freeing up valuable workspace.

Recognise that depending on your profession or individual needs, you might have items that are essential for your work but others might deem them unimportant. Hence, it's crucial to take time to carefully evaluate what constitutes essentials for you and declutter your workspace accordingly. This personalised approach will ensure that your desk is optimised for your specific needs, enhancing your productivity and overall work experience.

🗑️ Have a bin within reach

Having a bin within reach, preferably placed strategically at a convenient location close to your workspace, is a brilliant and effective way to ensure that any form of clutter or unnecessary items that collect on your desk can be quickly and efficiently removed. This simple yet practical measure can significantly contribute in maintaining a clean, organised workspace and a conducive environment for productivity. Furthermore, it can be particularly helpful when you're trying to sort out any miscellaneous papers, documents, or even personal items that you may have lying haphazardly on your desk. Often times, you might not realise or underestimate how little you need certain papers that have been piling up, creating unnecessary clutter and causing distractions. Therefore, it is sometimes worthwhile to take a moment to review these items, and consider removing them altogether for better workspace organisation. If for some reason disposing of these items isn't a viable option, then it would be highly beneficial to consider our next tip, which could offer an alternative solution to address this common issue.

🖥️ Declutter your desktop

It may come as no surprise that a cluttered computer desktop can significantly impede productivity, much like a disorganised physical workspace. When files and apps are scattered haphazardly, it becomes increasingly difficult to locate what we need, thereby wasting valuable time and energy. To alleviate this issue, it is crucial to maintain a clean and organised desktop, just as you would with your physical desk.

One straightforward method of decluttering your desktop is by removing unused or unnecessary applications. These might include programs that came pre-installed on your computer, or others that you downloaded but no longer use. By taking the time to identify and delete these applications, you can free up space on your desktop and make it easier to navigate.

Beyond just the desktop, it's also beneficial to organise and declutter your document files. It's important to remember that a decluttered computer is not synonymous with an empty one. Even if you have thousands of documents stored on your computer, having them organised into a logical, consistent filing system can dramatically improve your productivity.

Instead of having files misplaced in random folders or duplicates taking up valuable storage space, a well-structured filing system allows you to quickly and easily find what you need. This not only reduces frustration and time waste but also helps ensure your valuable storage space is used efficiently. By implementing these simple organisational strategies, you can enhance your productivity and make your digital workspace as efficient as possible.

🗂️ Segment your desk

Even if the primary use of your desk is for your computer, it’s still beneficial to divide your desk into various sections, each with a specific purpose. On my own desk, I've designated the right-hand side as the space where I neatly arrange my notepads. This arrangement allows for easy reach and access whenever I need to jot down any quick notes or ideas.

On the left, I store my collection of pens and pencils, which are essential tools in my day-to-day tasks. Having a specific place for these writing instruments ensures that they are always within reach when needed and reduces the chance of misplacing them.

In the middle of my desk, I place my monitor or laptop, which is the main tool I need for my work. This central positioning allows for easy viewing and access. Besides these, I also love to keep my plants in and around this area. They not only add a touch of nature and aesthetics to my workspace but also create a calming and refreshing atmosphere, enhancing productivity.

Regardless of whether your desk is primarily used for computer-related tasks, it is always a good idea to have a dedicated space for your papers. This ensures that you can review documents, draft ideas, or write without having to squeeze in between the keyboard or mouse. This method of organisation prevents clutter, promotes productivity, and ultimately creates a more efficient and enjoyable workspace.

🧹 Clean before you leave

The concept of maintaining a tidy workspace is simple but absolutely crucial for productivity. Every aspect of your desk, from the smallest post-it note to your stack of documents, contributes to your work environment. Maintaining a clean desk isn't a one-time task; it requires consistent effort. If your desk falls back into disarray within a week, then all your efforts dedicated to cleaning it initially would've been for naught.

To prevent this, establish a daily routine before you finish your work for the day. Organise your writing tools like pens and pencils into their respective holders, sort your papers and notepads into designated areas, and discard any unnecessary items or rubbish. These steps will ensure that you return to a clean, clutter-free workspace next time, providing you with a blank canvas to initiate your work.

It's crucial to leave your desk in the same condition you found it—preferably tidy and organised. This practice significantly reduces the transitional friction you might encounter the following day between arriving at your desk and commencing your work. It's much easier to dive into work when you're not confronted with a messy desk first thing in the morning. Thus, reducing this friction by maintaining a clean desk is an invaluable strategy to boost productivity and create a better working environment.

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